Institute for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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Institute for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

TheInstitute of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgerywasestablished in 1977 andprovidesdoctoral and Master's degree program in Stomatology of Shandong University. It is responsible for the education and training of undergraduates, postgraduates, doctoral students, postdoctors and resident doctors. It has been training a large number of outstanding oral and maxillofacial professional talents for both inside and outsideShandongprovince.

At present, there are 14 full-time teachers, including 8 with senior professional titles, 4 doctoral supervisors, 8 master supervisors and 9doctoral students, all of whom have the lecturer title or above and graduated from leadingworld-known universitiesat home and abroad.Their majors,professional titles,andacademicbackground are reasonably structured.

In recent years, the institute has been continuously and actively strengthening scientific research work and carrying out teaching reforms so as to improve the level of teaching and scientific research achievements. As for teaching achievements,Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryhasbeen honoredShandongProvincialHigh-qualityCourse, A-level Course of Shandong UniversityandExcellentCourseat thenetworkteaching platform.The instituteeditedOral SciencesandOral Generalserves as the textbook forthe standardized training program of residents.Ithas wonasecond prizeforthe Science and Technology Progress of Shandong Province,a First Prize forProvincial Teaching Achievements,and oneresearch project of Shandong Province Higher Education Teaching Reform and second prizeforExcellent Teaching Achievements of Shandong University. In the Young Teacher Lecture Competition of Shandong University, 2 teachers won the first prize, 2 won the third prize and 3 won the title of Young Teaching Expertof Shandong University.

In the aspect of scientific research,the institutehaswon projectssupported bynational, provincial and school-levelscientific research funds and has published nearly 100 SCI papers in professional journals at home and abroad.

Course Description:

TheInstitute of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery undertakes the teaching and curriculum construction work of 2 undergraduate compulsory courses, which areOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryandDiagnostic Imaging of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine,andparticipates in the teaching work of multiple courses such asOral Implantology,Dentistry Introduction,Oral Sciences, Oral Clinical Pharmacology,Oral Specialty English,New Advances in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Comprehensive Ability CultivationandMedical Research Design and Statistical Analysis.It also participates in the systematic revision of the trainingprogramof professional talents in Stomatology.